Problem-solving courts are innovative programs designed to address an offender's underlying problem.
Austin provides the much needed support, respect, and understanding that his clients and their situation deserve. These courts are often the best alternative to the traditional judicial system for those who qualify.
Let's get to the bottom of this.
Drug Treatment Courts: Drug treatment courts evolved to address the revolving-door cycle in which drug and alcohol offenders moved in and out of the justice system. Drug treatment courts treat addiction as a complex disease and provide a comprehensive, sustained continuum of therapeutic interventions, treatment, and other services to increase a participant's periods of abstinence and reduce the rate of relapse, re-arrest, and incarceration.
Mental Health Courts: Mental health court is modeled after drug court and was developed in response to the overrepresentation of people with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system. Mental health court diverts select defendants with mental illness into judicially-supervised, community-based treatment.