Drug Crime Defense (Posession, Manufacturing, Distribution)
In most cases, drug crimes are handled and/or prosecuted in the state court system; however, state and federal governments have jurisdiction to enforce drug laws in the U.S. Federal agencies are extremely serious and vigilant when it comes to investigating individuals suspected of drug crimes and even more aggressive when it comes to prosecuting those individuals. Whether the charge is related to illegal drug trafficking, forged prescription drugs or importing illegal drugs from Canada, federal prosecutors are determined to have you found guilty.
Federal drug crimes such as distribution, manufacturing of illegal substances and prescription drug fraud result in extremely severe consequences for those convicted. It is imperative that you have a dedicated Michigan drug crimes defense lawyer who is willing to stand up to government agencies and who understands how prosecutors work, and how to fight them.
Drug Crimes Under Michigan Law
There are dozens of drug offenses an individual may be charged with or investigated for in the state of Michigan related to the possession, manufacturing or trafficking of various drugs including:
Drug Cultivation and Manufacture
Drug Distribution and Sale
Distribution of Medical Marijuana
Drug Charges Pre-File Investigation
Federal and Major Felony Drug Trafficking
Possession of Methamphetamines
Cocaine Possession
Heroin Possession
Ecstasy Possession
Drug Trafficking
Meth Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
Cocaine Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
Heroin Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
Ecstasy Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
Prescription Drug Crime Charges